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Linje 1: Linje 1:
Ribe Turistkontor.
=== [[:kategori:Peder Baggesen|Peder Baggesen]] (1546-1591) ===
== Bygget ca. 1590 ==
=== [[Peder Baggesen]] (1546-1591) ===
Rådmand. Byggede ca. 1590 stenhuset.
==== 1591 [[:kategori:Dorete Baggesen|Dorete Baggesen]] f. Sørensdatter Stage (1557-1602) ====
==== 1591 [[Dorete Baggesen]], f. Sørensdatter Stage (1557-1602) ====
Også kaldet '[[Dorothea Baggesen]]'.
Også kaldet '[[Dorothea Baggesen]]'.
Gift med [[Peder Baggesen]] og som enke gift 1593 med [[Bertel Struck]].
Gift med [[Peder Baggesen]] og som enke gift 1593 med [[Bertel Struck]].
Linje 59: Linje 65:
Nævnt 1743 som krigskommissær og ejer af Villerup, vistnok en herregård i [[Skallerup Sogn (Hjørring Kommune)|Skallerup sogn]] i [[Vendsyssel]]. Var vistnok død 1744.
Nævnt 1743 som krigskommissær og ejer af Villerup, vistnok en herregård i [[Skallerup Sogn (Hjørring Kommune)|Skallerup sogn]] i [[Vendsyssel]]. Var vistnok død 1744.
=== 1717 [[:kategori:Mads Pedersen Fridsch|Mads Pedersen Fridsch]] (1672-1720) ===
You have posed a fantastic and rneavlet question - let me try to answer from my own limited perspective;I think that an art SCHOOL can only profess to be of assistance in growing the outer artist. This is as a result of the ratio of teachers to students. With generally 10-30 students per teacher, there is a natural deficit, which makes it NECESSARY for the teacher/institution to find a COMMON DENOMINATOR upon which to base instruction. In other words, they need to teach something every student can learn.In a 1:1 apprenticeship/mentorship situation, a much deeper friendship can be fostered and the mentor is able to assist in the growth of the inner artist by communicating on a more personal level, their knowledge and experiences as relative to the student. Interestingly, I feel this is one of the advantages of internet communities, and even blogs such as yours - the ability to communicate educational material without institutional red tape or curricula. So you have a situation where the teacher is limited in the amount of extracurricular development they are able to encourage in the student. And i believe this is where we come across 'those teachers' in school who we adore. Because their passion and enthusiasm for their craft allows them to 'overcome the odds' of that situation and offer more to their student than their job description entails. I don't believe we will reach a point where mainstream education will prioritize the personal or emotional development of their students, through no fault of anyone in particular, but only because it is not something that can be benchmarked and regulated. I see education (particularly voluntarily) across the internet to be an acute solution to this shortcoming, above and beyond the occasional inspirational teacher we may be lucky to find. I think a further mention is deserved of your second point - which is that, as artists, we continue to improve even when we aren't painting. For me, this comes down to a shared humanity and a passion for life itself. Art imitates life - and more specifically, the life and perception of the specific artist. Not only should we fall back on the 'trunk theory' in times of artistic limitation, but also embrace our growth every day by unplugging from the computer, engaging with the world and connecting with other human beings. In this way we can be quite content with the fertilizer of formalized education, and can spend less time griping about homogenization, due to a renewed confidence and self assuredness that we are engaged in the business of living life. May we all grow tall together.You owe me two cents :) A
=== [[Peder Jensen Baggesen]] (1696-1722) ===
==== 1720 [[:kategori:Sophie Dorthe Andreasdatter Bruun|Sophie Dorthe Andreasdatter Bruun]] (1677-1749) ====
==== 1722 [[Sophie Dorthe Baggesen]], f. Bruun (1677-1749) ====
they sailed on the Lydia from Rotterdam with passnegers from Alsace-Lorrain and the Palatinate.My husband and I were grave-hunting in Somerset County in Apr 2008 and found and photographed the markers in Boyt's Cemetery.  We were following the directions in Brian Ensley's  Cemeteries of Somerset and Cambria Counties  and after trespassing all over this farm on Bicycle Rd we returned to the Somerset Historical Society.  Mark Ware who was there made a few phone calls and a gentleman named Bob Hay who was farming the property met us and led us to the burial ground.  After Geiger Rd deadends into Bicycle, you go about 20yds to the east on Bicycle where you will find a dirt path on your left.  We walked up the path through the brush and up into the field.  When you can see the house (not sure if the residents are the ones to ask for permission as no one was home when we were there) on your right, look to your left way across the field.  You will see a brushy area with tall trees.  The graves are located here.  This spot is about 250 yds north of where Geiger hits Bicycle.  You can see the area on the satelite view of    There is wooden sign posted, but it has several dates that don't match the ones on the gravestones. Joseph and Mary Shaffer Miller are buried here with John Miller Yost's son and Joseph's brother who never married. There are some other Millers here but they are from the Adam Miller family the same Adam whose loghouse is on display at the Historical Society. After corresponding with Neal Umstot in NC who is related to the Adam Millers, I came to the conclusion that  Yost's family and Adam's family are not related, but just friends and neighbors. I was hoping they were related, because Adam's stone says he was born in Gerhardsbraumn, Germany.   There is also an infant Boyt, but no stones for his parents if they are there, a Jacob Lint, a Harriet Shaffer (related to Mary Shaffer Miller??) and NancyCasebeer Miller Weaver who was a daughter-in-law of Adam Miller. We were there in the early spring before much was growing in the fields and the brush in the cemetery hadn't grown up after the winter. Shelesa
=== [[:kategori:Peder Jensen Baggesen|Peder Jensen Baggesen]] (1696-1722) ===
=== 1723 [[Christian Sigfred Eenholm]] (1698-1769) ===
Som enkemand gift 1750 med Anna Marie de Poulson (1724-1777), datter af justitsråd Jochum de Poulson, [[Vår (Farstrup Sogn)|Vår]] ved [[Nibe]].
Fik 1725 [[borgerskab]] i Ribe (som pengemester?), blev 1727 [[kommerceråd]] og 1758 [[justitsråd]].
Ejede senest 1726 [[Brejning Hovedgård]] og ejede desuden [[Marsvinslund]] ved Viborg, hvor han døde.
=== [[Laurids Christensen]] (1714-1792) ===
=== [[Laurids Christensen]] (1714-1792) ===
Linje 84: Linje 82:

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