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Forskel mellem versioner af "Villebøl"

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Thanks for the free sample guys, reeievcd today, the initial noticable difference is the size of the pellet, it's a lot smaller than your last batch. i love the new packaging for the pellets, i'm sure this will help keep the amt as fresh as possible.I will evaluate the new tablet and leave a review here on your blog as requested.Keep up the great work guys.

Versionen fra 21. jul 2012, 00:16

Thanks for the free sample guys, reeievcd today, the initial noticable difference is the size of the pellet, it's a lot smaller than your last batch. i love the new packaging for the pellets, i'm sure this will help keep the amt as fresh as possible.I will evaluate the new tablet and leave a review here on your blog as requested.Keep up the great work guys.