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Tønder 1918 angrebsordre/en

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Orders for Operation F7

  1. The two flights for attacking Tondern will leave at as short intervals as possible after 03.00, or as soon after that time as light permits of formation being picked up and kept. On account of limited fuel endurance, it is important that time should not be wasted picking up formation.
  2. The attack should be made at low altitude, after which machines of each flight should endeavour to meet at a pre-arranged rendezvous before returning, but only a few minutes can be allowed for this.
  3. Aeroplanes should pass to seaward of Blaavand Point, and neutral territory should not be infringed.
  4. If a Zeppelin is encountered on the outward journey, it should be attacked, bombs being dropped beforehand. If encountered on homeward journey it should be attacked irrespective of fuel remaining, machine landing in Denmark or Germany afterwards if necessary.
  5. Fighting with enemy aircraft other than Zeppelins should be avoided.
  6. If visibility on return is so low that inshore destroyer cannot be sighted, pilots should endeavour to pick up Fleet by taking their departure and steering North 45 degrees West Mag. from Lynvig Lighthouse.
  7. Pilots are to be instructed in the position and movement of ships between the hours 03.00 and 06.30. On return of machines, destroyers when ready to pick up aeroplanes will hoist an affirmative flag. Pilots should land about two cables ahead of a destroyer, selecting the one nearest Furious which has this flag flying. The inshore destroyer will not be used for picking up.
  8. If, on return, ships are seen to be steaming away from coast and destroyers are not flying affirmative flag, pilots should close Furious and read deck signals on her alighting deck before alighting in sea.
  9. Pilots should be guided by the amount of fuel remaining when deciding to carry out orders in paras (6) and (8).
(Rear Admiral Richard F. Phillimore)


Se bombardementet af luftskibsbasen i Tønder.